Tuesday, July 12, 2011

an open letter

From: Helen Ballinger
Sent: Monday, 11 July 2011 9:49 a.m.
To: George Studio
Subject: Is it really over?

Dear George,

Where did you go? This morning I crawled out of the warm comfort of my bed and hopped into the car for my early commute. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with you, after a weekend of being outdoors and away from your scope. Even when it’s dark outside, dreary and miserable, I’ve become accustomed to finding you waiting to murmur sweet sounds in my ear. Ever patient, ever present, still there for me even in my absences. You make waking up worth it, even on a Monday.

I know we haven’t been together for very long, but after ModeFM left me so cruelly last year – and I knew, I knew it could only ever be a short-term romance, a poor student unable to commit – I was looking forward to abandoning myself to you for the long term, to care for me, soothe me, heal me, calm me, revive me.

We were so young, so fresh; such a bright future lay before us! Or so I thought. You opened my ears to sounds I never cared to know before in a loving way, not judging me for my pre-George ignorance. But something wasn’t right this morning; there was a dissonance – you weren’t there to greet me. I heard unfamiliar voices; there was discord and despair.

And then I learnt the truth. You had left me.

I miss you. You can’t really call it quits on us at such a time as this, can you? We had such good times together. And I’ve seen the range of what else is out there – it pales in comparison with your vast beauty. Won’t you please come back? I promise I’ll text more, and give you feedback when you ask for it, and praise your achievements to everyone who will listen. I’ll make you popular the city over, just as long as you’ll say you stay with me.

It’s not too late for us, is it?

Helen Ballinger.


After only a few months of being on the Christchurch airwaves, George FM has disappeared. My love for a new genre of music has been curtailed and I am left with nothing but pop to listen to. It is a sad, sad week.